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High temperature operation of electron spin qubits in silicon, Prof. Arne Laucht (UNSW Sydney)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar

Speaker: Arne Laucht (UNSW Sydney)

Title: High temperature operation of electron spin qubits in silicon

Abstract: Silicon is an excellent material for building a commercial quantum computer that allows for the large-scale integration of lithographically defined quantum dot spin qubits. However, the operation of the large number of qubits required for valuable quantum applications will produce a thermal load exceeding the available cooling power of cryostats at millikelvin temperatures. As the scale-up accelerates, it becomes imperative to transition towards fault-tolerant operation above 1 kelvin, where the cooling power of cryostats is orders of magnitude higher. Here, we tune up and operate a two-qubit unit cell in silicon above 1 kelvin, with the combined state preparation, control and measurement fidelity for individual qubits surpassing 95 %. These advancements attest that silicon is a robust platform for quantum computation above 1 kelvin, and further development may readily take place at these temperatures.

Date: Tuesday 4th July

Time: 10:30

Location: In person at the University of Basel (Neue Hörsaal) and online on Zoom.

June 19

NCCR SPIN Annual Meeting 2023

July 19

Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces by Prof. Andreas Heinrich (Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea)