Young Researchers
The NCCR SPIN is committed to advance the careers of young researchers and aims to promote education in spin qubit-related topics among the scientific community as well as the general population. In order to increase quantum literacy, the educational programmes of the NCCR focuses on the education of students at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels; the promotion and career development of junior researchers as well as public outreach and communication activities.
Upcoming Events
SPIN Mobility Program
The NCC SPIN Mobility Program encourages doctoral and postdoctoral students to improve their scientific profiles and gain new expertise. The Program has two grant schemes: The Network Mobility Grant enables young researchers to carry out their study project within the NCCR SPIN Network. The Global Mobility Grant supports a stay outside of the network in Switzerland or abroad.
International Job Opportunities
Find out about international job opportunities.
SPIN Research Seminars
Find out about upcoming SPIN Research Seminars: The events are an excellent opportunity to learn about current research within the network.
QCQT PhD School
Each NCCR SPIN PhD student in Basel will join the PhD School Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology. The QCQT PhD school brings together over 13 research groups from both theoretical and experimental quantum science and quantum technology at the University of Basel and cooperates closely with EUCOR – the European campus. It offers an excellent graduate program covering basic courses, advanced seminars, summer/winter schools and workshops, performing research at the forefront of quantum science and quantum technology.