NCCR SPIN Annual Meeting 2022
Monday – Wednesday, June 13-15, 2022
The second Annual Meeting of NCCR SPIN took place in June 2022. The meeting included more than 20 scientific talks and around 35 posters, an innovation talk ad fireside chat by and with John Morton, Quantum Motion and much more.
Enjoy some impressions below!

Accommodation & Travel
The conference takes place in Pontresina at the Kongresszentrum Rondo . We are staying at Hotel Saratz.
We recommend to use public transportation to get to Pontresina. Information on train departures and arrivals is given by the SBB online timetable.
Please purchase your ticket from your place to Pontresina and arrange for re-imbursement with your research group.
The hotel is a 10-15 minutes / 750 m walk from the station (map).
You have to check in at the hotel reception. All participants are registered at the hotel.
In the Poster Flash-Intro, each person presenting a poster has one minute and one slide to present their work. If you present a Poster, please send your slide to mariann.buehler@unibas.ch before May 30, 2022.
NCCR SPIN Excellent Paper Award
Up to three outstanding papers will be recognized with a SPIN excellent paper award. The award consists of a certificate, listing on the SPIN page, and a monetary prize of CHF 700 for the first author(s) of the paper to be used on a team event. The winners will be announced at the annual meeting.
To nominate a publication, PIs can send mariann.buehler@unibas.ch a few lines describing the nature of the achievement and what makes it remarkable and worth the recognition, including a link to the publication. The nomination deadline is Friday, May 13, 2022.
NCCR SPIN Image Contest
We are excited to announce the first NCCR SPIN Image Contest: The competition is open to all researchers working on projects that are part of NCCR SPIN. Send your image including a caption/short description to mariann.buehler@unibas.ch before May 29, 2022.
The goal of the contest is to highlight the role of images in scientific research as well as to give a face to the researchers conducting it and to encourage researchers to document the environment in which they work.