NCCR SPIN is dedicated to making its research more accessible to the general public. We believe that science should be open and available to everyone, and we strive to raise awareness of our research results, promote scientific careers, and answer any questions the public may have about our activities. Throughout the year, we organize outreach events and meetings with a variety of institutions, individuals, and school classes to discuss our research and science in general.
If you have any questions or requests about outreach at NCCR SPIN, please contact our Communication and Outreach Officer for more information.
Next Outreach Events
All publics
Tinguely Entangled - Quantum Physics meets Music!
“Tinguely Entangled” is an audiovisual performance organized by NCCR SPIN together with the Basel Infinity Music Festival 2023. Always wondered about quantum computers? Young researchers of NCCR SPIN working in quantum computing will give you insights into intriguing topics in quantum physics. Those will be put into an original piece of music by young star composer Linda Leimane, while artists Arthurs Punte and Luca Scarzella will animate the performance with visual arts.
#NCCRWomen Video Campaign
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of women obtaining the right to vote in Switzerland, the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) have joined forces and introduce you to some women working in Swiss research institutes. Follow the campaign on YouTube and Instagram and the hashtag #NCCRWomen and meet women who work in research in Switzerland.
Berlin Science Week 2023
The Berlin Science Week is an international science outreach fair taking place in Berlin every year. Scientists from all over the world introduce their research topics and their social impact during the 10-day fair to thousands of visitors. In 2023, the fair took place from 1st to 10th November, with two central locations: the Campus and the Forum (Art and Science).
Comics and Science: NCCR SPIN and BDFIL Lausanne
From panel discussions to graphic challenges, NCCR SPIN partners with the Lausanne Comic Festival BDFIL to organize one-of-a-kind events for the public, where comic artists meet scientists.
Outreach activities for school classes
A researcher in my class: NCCR Women to schools
The NCCRs unite to offer teachers the opportunity to invite one of their researchers to their classroom during the 2022/2023 school year. These women are working in fields ranging from engineering to linguistics, architecture, chemistry, robotics, neuroscience, quantum physics or microbiology.
Saturday Morning Physics - Basel
“Saturday morning physics" is an exciting series of events for people interested in physics - especially for young people aged 14 and over, organized by the University of Basel. The next "Saturday morning physics" event will take place on January 28, 2023 at 10:00 at the Department of Physics, Grosser Hörsaal, entrance St. Johannsring 25, 4056 Basel. Prof. Dr. Andrea Hofmann from NCCR SPIN will talk about "Sand, solar cells and supercomputers". Those who attend this Saturday will receive a "Saturday Morning Physics" diploma and will also participate in a competition. There are T-shirts to be won and an iPad as the grand prize.
Check out the flyer to see the details of the program. If you and your students are interested in attending the event, you can register until 28/01/2023.
For NCCR SPIN Young Researchers
NCCR SPIN Outreach Canvas Grant
The NCCR SPIN Canvas Grant aims at encouraging young researchers to participate in public engagement events, both within the NCCR SPIN and externally.
Are you a quantum curious? A teacher? A student? Would you like to be informed of our next event or project? Stay in touch with us by signing up to our mailing list.
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