NCCR SPIN Annual Meeting 2021
Monday, August 30 - Wednesday, September 1
The first Annual Meeting of NCCR SPIN was one of the first in-person-conferences in a long time. Pontresina, a stunning place in the Engadin mountains, contributed to the successful meeting with fantastic weather.

Accommodation & Travel
The conference takes place in Pontresina at the Kongresszentrum Rondo . We are staying in two hotels - Hotel Saratz and Hotel Kronenhof.
We recommend to use public transportation to get to Pontresina. Information on train departures and arrivals is given by the SBB online timetable.
Please purchase your ticket from your place to Pontresina. Please and arrange for re-imbursement with your research group.
The hotel is a 10-15 minutes / 750 m walk from the station (map).
You have to check in at the hotel reception. All participants are registered at the hotel.
Live Stream
Thema: NCCR SPIN Annual Meeting Pontresina 31.8.
Uhrzeit: 31.Aug..2021 08:30 AM Zürich
Meeting-ID: 636 8082 1394
Kenncode: 075527
In the Poster Flash-Intro, each person presenting a poster has one minute and one slide to present their work. If you present a Poster, please send your slide to mariann.buehler@unibas.ch before Friday, 27 August.
Please note that the Annual meeting will be held as an event with COVID certificate. This allows us to interact more freely at the event (e.g. less strict mask regulation, mingle during poster sessions, eat and drink standing). This means: Only persons with a Covid certificate can attend the event. The Covid certificate documents a Covid 19 vaccination, a passed disease or a negative test result.
The responsibility for providing a valid COVID certificate lies solely with the participants. Admission to the event is only possible with a certificate. The certificates will checked on every day of the conference.
You will have to bring
your valid covid certificate (for being vaccinated, having recovered from Covid or a very recent negative test result, either in the app or on paper) to be scanned at the beginning of the event.
an ID document (passport, driving licence)
There will be no testing at the event itself.
Please note that if you are neither vaccinated nor have recovered from the illness, it may be necessary to provide a new negative test result during the event. Testing facilities are available at
Spital Oberengadin, Via Nouva 3, CH-7503 Samedan Website (German only) Online Booking
Polyclinic, Plazza Paracelsus 2, 7500 St. Moritz Website Online Booking
Costs for testing are usually covered by your health insurance.