Flexibility Grants
Flexibility grants provide financial support for postdocs and PhD students who have to look after children or relatives at an important stage in their career and are therefore in need of more flexibility. Two Flexibility Grants are available: the SNSF Flexibility Grant and the NCCR SPIN Flexibility Grant.
Flexibility Grants can be applied for anytime.
Which Flexibility grant is right for me?
SNSF Flexibility Grant for NCCR funding schemes
· For postdocs and PhD students funded by NCCR SPIN who have to look after children
· Help cover the external child care costs charged to the researcher
· Help finance the salary of a support person, allowing the grantee to reduce his/her work quota
· To apply, please fill this document and send it along with your accompanying documents to Marie Le Dantec (marie.ledantec@unibas.ch)
SNSF Flexibility Grants for non-NCCR funding schemes
· For postdocs and PhD students under the funding schemes stated on page 3 of this document, who have to look after children
· Financial support to cover the external child care costs charged to the researcher
· Financial support to pay the salary of a support person, allowing the grantee to reduce his/her work quota
· Applications should be submitted directly to SNSF via the portal www.mysnf.ch
NCCR SPIN Flexibility Grant
· For PhD students, postdocs and researchers within the NCCR SPIN network
· Tailor made, short- or mid-term solutions, e.g., for additional childcare at a conference or during an intensive career phase.
· For fund cases not covered in the SNSF Flexibility Grant
· Granted on a case-by-case basis
· Applications should be sent to Marie Le Dantec (marie.ledantec@unibas.ch)
NCCR SPIN Flexibility Grant
The NCCR SPIN Flexibility Grant offers financial support for tailor made, short- or mid-term solutions, e.g., for additional childcare at a conference or during an intensive career phase.
The scheme is open to PhD students, postdocs and researchers within the NCCR SPIN network.
The NCCR SPIN Flexibility Grant is a complementary scheme to fund cases not covered in the SNSF Flexibility Grant.
Financial support
The amount of financial support is decided on a case by case basis.
Application procedure
Applications can be submitted anytime.
Applications are to be submitted directly to Marie Le Dantec (marie.ledantec@unibas.ch)
Please be aware that the procedure will take time, therefore we ask you to submit your application at least 6 weeks before the intended start of use.
Required documents:
Motivation letter with scope and duration of the support, and explanation of the benefit to be gained from it (list of duties) or description of the child/relative care measure
Estimated budget explaining how the support grant is to be used
Letter of support from the responsible leader of the individual project within the NCCR and confirmation that the support person applied for will be engaged
All documents should be in English.
Attributions are decided on a case by case basis, mostly based on the usefulness of the proposed support measure.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Marie Le Dantec, NCCR SPIN Communication and Outreach Officer (Marie.ledantec@unibas.ch) or Prof. Jelena Klinovaja, head of the Diversity and Equal Opportunity area.