What I enjoyed most was the hands-on experimental aspect of my thesis.

Interview with Veronika Rečková, INSPIRE Potential
SPIN Master’s fellow 2024

Who are you?


My name is Veronika. I completed my bachelor's degree in Prague at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, followed by my master's degree at ETH Zurich, where I specialized in solid-state physics.

What was the subject of your master thesis? Who did you work with?


The title of my master's thesis was Topgate Optimization for Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene. My research focused on two-dimensional heterostructures with bilayer graphene, specifically comparing the effects of using graphite versus gold as the topgate material. The thesis was highly practical, involving nanodevice fabrication, measurements in a cryostat, and subsequent data analysis. I conducted this work within the Ensslin Nanophysics Group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Ihn, Lara Ostertag, and Markus Niese.

How have you heard about the INSPIRE Potentials Fellowship? In what way did the fellowship help you in your research?


I learned about the fellowship from Prof. Dr. Thomas Ihn during his lecture on Semiconductor Nanostructures. The fellowship was incredibly beneficial, providing me with financial support as I worked on my thesis.

What attracted you to take a (quantum) physics career/studies?


I always enjoyed studying physics and math, so the decision to study physics was very straightforward for me.

What was the biggest challenge in your master thesis? What did you enjoy the most?


The greatest challenge was maintaining patience and enthusiasm when faced with setbacks. What I enjoyed most was the hands-on experimental aspect of my thesis, particularly tasks like stacking heterostructures in a glovebox and operating an atomic force microscope.

What did you learn through this experience?


I learnt that nanodevice fabrication can be very difficult, and a lot of patience is required to succeed.

How was your experience living abroad? Was it the first time for you?


I really liked my experience abroad; I enjoy meeting different people from all over the world.

What are your plans for the future?


In the future, I aspire to further explore various aspects of physics within the industry.