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Workshop Conflict Management for Phd students & Postdocs

Course content

  • recognize and assess conflicts

  • get to know ways to address conflicts and to communicate your interests and needs

  • know the principle of perspective change, and learn how to understand the interests and needs of others

  • learn about concrete tools for self-clarification and self-management in conflict situations

Your own conflict experiences will be part of this workshop.

Date & Time: June 14-15 (8:45-16:45 on both days)

Place: Berner Fachhochschule für Soziale Arbeit (University of Applied Sciences, Social Work)

Way of working: inputs, small groups, exercises, role play, etc.

Language: English

Participants: 15 max.

Participation fee: None. The NCCR SPIN reimburses your travel, meals, accommodation (if necessary) cost - receipts needed.

Contact & Registration: Petra Sidler (

June 21

Leadership in Academia. 1-Day Workshop for Women PIs (online)