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Leadership in Academia. 1-Day Workshop for Women PIs (online)

Registration: by Thursday, 10. June at the following link

Description of the workshop

Academic research teams have their own unique culture within the professional world. Therefore, academic supervisors of all genders can benefit from leadership support in order to attain and maintain a motivated and contented team. As women supervisors are still a minority in the academic world, they are faced with some additional organizational, interpersonal and personal challenges, compared to many men. This course is tailored specifically to women scientists to facilitate sharing experiences and insights. It aims to give women specific support, advice and tools to use in their leadership roles. This workshop will help participants to become confident and comfortable in their role as a woman leader in science.

At the end of the workshop, you will:

  • understand what constitutes leadership and how it differs from management;

  • be aware of how personality & individual needs shape leadership style;

  • understand basic interpersonal communication skills and their importance when leading a research group.


  • Welcome / Framesetting

  • What is leadership?

  • Personality

  • Basic communication skills

  • Self-confidence

About Dr Hilde Jannsen

Dr. Hilde Janssens is a developmental biologist by training and has been an academic researcher for 19 years in different countries. Throughout her scientific career, she gained long-standing experience as a trainer and mentor exclusively for scientists ( Since Fall 2016 she combines her work as a freelance trainer with supporting the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in the areas of Diversity & Inclusion, and Conflict Management. For her work as a trainer, she has been cited twice in Science Careers: Leadership Tips for Women; Becoming a Trainer.

Course costs: The NCCR SPIN covers the participation fees for up to four participants - first come, first served.

Place: Online

Organised by NCCRs DFAB and MARVEL

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Workshop Conflict Management for Phd students & Postdocs

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