QuantERA is calling for transnational research projects in Quantum Science and Technologies
QuantERA is a call for transnational research projects in Quantum Science and Technologies, which makes around 33 Million euros available for selected projects. The deadline for project proposal submission is May 11th, 2023.
QuantERA is supported by the H2020 framework, to which Switzerland is fully associated: Researchers in Switzerland are eligible to participate in and/or coordinate consortia. In parallel with the QuantERA application, an administrative application is to be submitted to the SNSF via mySNF (under Programmes/ERA-NET+EJP 2023). In the last call for projects in 2021, QuantERA supported 39 projects, 7 of which had a partner in Switzerland.
QuantERA allocates finding to projects in quantum phenomena and resources, and applied quantum science, matching research areas such as quantum simulation, quantum communication, quantum computation, quantum information science and quantum metrology sensing and imaging.
An online webinar will be hosted by the QuantERA Coordinator and the Call Secretariat on March 2nd 2023, 14:00 CET., aiming to answer the questions related to the call.
Registration to the event is required – more details will be available soon on the dedicated webpage.
If you would like to read more about it, the SNSF has published a news article about the QuantERA call:
They also released associated social media posts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/snsf_ch/status/1620064936427651074?cxt=HHwWhICwjb2e0PssAAAA
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/activity:7025830634157658112