SPIN PhD Lunch

NCCR SPIN created the Young Researchers Forum (QUiD) to promote the personal development of its young researchers and to provide opportunities for training, networking, and for furthering their career as members of the quantum community. 

The forum organised the first NCCR SPIN PhD lunch which took place on November 16, 2022 at the University of Basel. During the event, the PhD students of the NCCR SPIN network connected with each other, exchanged ideas and learned about the quantum experiments conducted at the Physics Department. 

As part of the program, the young researchers attended an intensive workshop to train their skills in public speaking and to learn how to deliver a successful scientific presentation.

The workshop “Impactful Speeches for Scientific Talks” led by speaking and communication trainer Michael Berndonner was structured into two sessions. During the morning session, the instructor presented a number of tools and strategies to devise coherent and engaging speeches. These span from rhetoric strategies, to the use of intonation, body posture, mimics and gesture. The afternoon session was a practical and interactive training where the students implemented the techniques learned on their own speeches and improved their delivery based on the live feedback of the instructor.

No presentation left the audience indifferent. The students managed to inform, entertain, inspire and induce countless laughs. 

NCCR SPIN wants to thank all the participants for their active engagement which made the PhD lunch a very special and stimulating event.


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