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Dear all 

The first Annual Meeting of the NCCR SPIN was a success: An exciting program, the buzz of an in-person meeting we all missed so much, a stunning location and perfect weather. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this great event! 

Please find below links to pictures of the Annual Meeting as well as the Link to the sign up form for the young researchers forum QuID. 
Do you have any feedback or ideas regarding program, accommodation, organization? Let us know! We're grateful for your inputs so we can learn from your experience.

Best regards, see you next year!


Have a look at the gallery on our website to see some highlights of the meeting. More pictures are available for download on switchdrive. Thanks to Dominik Zumbühl and Andreas Fuhrer for providing pictures from the hike to Muottas Muragl!
In case you don't want a photo of you published or simply don't like a picture, please get in touch and I will remove all pictures in question immediately. 

Fotos on Switchdrive

QuID - Young Researchers Forum 

QuID is the name of the NCCR SPIN Young Researchers Forum. Its goal is to create a community of PhD students and postdocs within the NCCR to support each others needs, goals and ambitions.

QuID is looking for a group of dedicated young researchers to organize activities and implement measures such as schools, conferences and seminars as well as soft skill training, newsletters, meetings and retreats. Possible activities support their peers scientific, personal and career goals. If you are interested in joining the QuID coordinating team, register below.

Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding QuID? Contact Maria Longobardi: maria.longobardi@unibas.ch

Register for QuID Young Researchers Forum

Reminder: Save the Date – SNSF Site Visit
November 11 & 12, 2021

Detailed information coming soon

NCCR SPIN is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
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