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Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces by Prof. Andreas Heinrich (Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea)
Prof. Andreas Heinrich, professor at the Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea will give a special seminar in the Department Physics of the University of Basel on July, 19th 2023 in the neuen Hörsaal 1, Foyer EG, from 15:00 to 6:30. The talk will be called Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces. A short description is provided below.
Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces
There is a strong international research effort in the area of quantum information science. Here, the concepts of quantum coherence, superposition and entanglement of quantum states are exploited. These concepts were originally shown with photons as well as atoms and ions in vacuum traps. Over the past two decades, many advances at studying such quantum coherence in solid-state and molecular architectures have evolved [1].
In this talk we will focus on quantum-coherent experiments in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). STM enables the study of surfaces with atomic-scale spatial resolution and offers the ability to study individual atoms and molecules on surfaces. Here at Ewha, we have one of the world’s best facilities for such studies. STM can also be used to move atoms with atomic-scale precision, which enables us to build engineered nanostructures where each atom is in the exactly correct place.
In order to study qubits with STM, we recently learned how to combine STM with electron spin resonance [2,3]. Spin resonance gives us the means to quantum-coherently control an individual atomic or molecular spin on a surface. Using short pulses of microwave radiation further enables us to perform qubit rotations and learn about the quantum coherence times of our spins [4]. Finally, we will finish with unpublished results on multi-qubit operations with spins on surfaces.
1. Andreas J. Heinrich, William D. Oliver, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen, Arzhang Ardavan, Roberta Sessoli, Daniel Loss, Ania Bleszynski Jayich, Joaquin Fernandez-Rossier, Arne Laucht, Andrea Morello, “Quantum-coherent nanoscience”, Nature Nanotechnology, 16, 1318-1329 (2021).
2. Susanne Baumann, William Paul, Taeyoung Choi, Christopher P. Lutz, Arzhang Ardavan, Andreas J. Heinrich, “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Individual Atoms on a Surface”, Science 350, 417 (2015).
3. Yi Chen, Yujeong Bae, Andreas Heinrich, “Harnessing the Quantum Behavior of Spins on Surfaces”, Advanced Materials 2022, 2107534 (2022).
4. Kai Yang, William Paul, Soo-Hyon Phark, Philip Willke, Yujeong Bae, Taeyoung Choi, Taner Esat, Arzhang Ardavan, Andreas J. Heinrich, and Christopher P. Lutz, “Coherent spin manipulation of individual atoms on a surface”, Science 366, 509 (2019).
Support from Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R027-D1) is gratefully acknowledged.

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Measurement backaction induced population switching of charge qubit ground states
Speaker: Oded Zilberberg (University of Konstanz)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Spin-photon interactions in Si and Ge quantum dots: Transversal and longitudinal interactions in hole spin qubits
Speaker: Oded Zilberberg (University of Konstanz)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: The emergence of the strong dispersive regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics with spins
Speaker: Patrick Harvey-Collard, IBM Research Zurich

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Quantum computation with spins in germanium
Speaker: Nico Hendrickx, IBM Research Zurich

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Single-shot readout of multiple donor spin qubits with a gate-based sensor
Speaker: Mark Hogg, Department of Physics, University of Basel

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Quantum Computing in Pharma Research at Roche Innovation Centre Basel
Presenter: pRED Quantum Computing Taskforce
Chair: Prof. D. Loss

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Fully tunable hyperfine interactions of hole spin qubits in Si and Ge quantum dots
Speaker: Stefano Bosco, Department of Physics, University of Basel

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: High mobility SiMOSFETs fabricated in a full 300mm CMOS process
Speaker: Tim Camenzind, Department of Physics, University of Basel

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: A hot spin qubit in a silicon fin field-effect transistor
Speaker: Simon Geyer (University of Basel)

QCQT Research Seminar: Squeezed hole qubits in Ge quantum dots: ultrafast gates at low power
Speaker: Stefano Bosco (FG Prof. Daniel Loss)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Benchmarking with quantum error correction
Speaker: James Wootton (IBM)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Hole spin qubits in Si FinFETs with fully tunable spin-orbit coupling and sweet spots for charge noise
Speaker: Dr. Stefano Bosco (University of Basel)

Talks on Quantum Computing and Quantum Condensed Matter Theory 2
10:00 – 10:45
Dr. Flore K. Kunst, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, München
Non-Hermitian topological phases
10:45 – 11:30
Dr. Ananda Roy, Technische Universität München
Quantum Electronic Circuit Simulation of Quantum Field Theories

Talks on Quantum Computing and Quantum Condensed Matter Theory 1
09:00 – 09:45
Dr. Jeroen Danon, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Eliminating the nuclear spins from GaAs spin qubits
09:45 – 10:30
Dr. Dmitry S. Miserev, University of Basel
Strong Spin-Orbit and Electron-Electron Interaction in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Devices

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Exchange interaction of hole-spin qubits in double quantum dots in highly anisotropic semiconductors
Speaker: Bence Hetényi (University of Basel)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: A double quantum dot spin valve
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Baumgartner (University of Basel)

NCCR SPIN Research Seminar: Coherent spin qubit transport in silicon
Speaker: Dr. Wister Huang (ETH Zurich)